Thursday, December 11, 2014

Gift Shopping and more

Accomplished a few small stockings for the grandchildren!
Snowman is a pillow, in time for Christmas!!
Civil War top has now been quilted and cuddled!
Gift Shopping!!

So last week,I realized how late in the year the time has become, I really needed to get some gifts bought so I  made my list and started on my quest to find my treasures. I still have two to pick up, but they are quick and easy. This called for a celebration, so here is my gift to you. 
Three colors, background, bow and gift.
background- one 4 inch square, two 3 1/2 inch squares
bow-one 4 inch square, one 2 1/2 by 9 1/2 strip
gift- two 9 1/2 by 5 1/5 rectangles

On light 4 inch square, draw diagonal line, place two 4 inch squares right side together and sew scant 1/4 inch seams on each side of diagonal line. Cut on drawn line and trim squares to 3 1/2. Sew these together to form bow. Yes it looks like a flying geese. Next up attach 3 1/2 inch background squares to each side. Please press. Stitch your 2 1/2 in strip between the two 9 1/2 by 5 1/2 inch rectangles. Attach bow potion to gift portion. And this is what I was doing when the tree was needing decorated.
Have a great Thursday!!


  1. Great Blog, Just wish you would post more often. You have cool ideas!

    1. Thank you, I am trying to make it more of a priority. Some times my ideas take up some time. I did have to figure out a new camera a couple of weeks ago and that kept me from posting when I wanted, all should be better now. Thanks for complimenting!
